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Card Airel "Le Ann's World 101 Challenge Dt "

Buongiorno oggi parte un nuovo Challenge 
per il Blog Le Ann's World 101 Challenge

Il tema del Challenge e Anythin Goes
lo sponsor è lo shop Le Ann's world 101

Per questo progetto ho utilizzato Airel colorata con i copic. La carta che ho usato per realizzare la card e di First Edition paper pad beyond the shore, le fustelle per fare le cornici e il fiocco sono della  Coppia Creativa. Ho sfumato i bordi del timbro con il distress oxide wilted violet. In fine ho aggiunto qualche paillettes azzurra , e un po di acqua scintillante di tommy art sui capelli e sulle scarpe.

Il timbro è stato colorato con i Copic
Pelle: e21-e00-e000-r20-r11
Capelli: g17-g05-g02-g00-bv04-bv02-bv00



  1. That's very pretty. I love her hair colour. Thanks for joining us at Cardz4guyz. Love Dawn x

  2. Cute card, Maria! Such a pretty combination of colors along with the green hair. Thank you for playing along with us at Double Trouble #51.

  3. Beautiful! Your coloring is amazing. Love the paper bow too. Thank you so much for playing along in our Crafting Happiness Challenge this week. Hope you’ll link up again!
    Hugs! Janis
    Crafting Happiness Challenges, Challenge Blog Owner
    Pause Dream Enjoy, Personal Craft Blog

  4. Super colouring great "hot" image and card design. Thanks for joining us at Shopping Our Stash for "is it Summer yet?"

  5. Love the combination of colors you used with your adorable image with green hair, fun card.Thanks for sharing with us at Double Trouble Thing 1 "Go Green"; but don't forget to share with our partner at Heart2Heart... in fact, they have waived their Close To My Heart requirement for this challenge only, and you have already "Put Your Green On". Please link up with them at

  6. Love your colouring her hair is amazing thanks for sharing with us at Polkadoodles DigiChooseday hugs Sue x

  7. Che bello il timbro e la colorazione poi...!

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  9. Fab image and beautifully coloured!
    I love the colour of her hair!
    Thanks for playing along and anticipating summer with the crew from SHOPPING OUR STASH!

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  11. This is a such a beautiful card! I love the colors you chose too! Thank you so much for joining us Paper Girls with our Glitter challenge!

  12. This is such a cute card! Thanks so much for sharing with us at The Paper Girls Challenges! -Lori DT


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