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Card I love You "Designer Team Magnolia Forever Challenge"

Buongiorno oggi inizia un nuovo
 Challenge sul blog Magnolia Forever

Con il tema #98 Anything Goes 

Per questo Challenge ho realizzato una card dedicata a
 San. Valentino.....
 La carta che ho usato e di Simple Stories Kissing Booth in formato digitale. 
I fiori che ho usato sono di I Am Roses stupendi come sempre... Sopra la scritta e sui fiori ho applicato l'acqua scintillante di tommy art. 
Ho usato la penna Gelly roll n°8 bianca per dare un pò di definizione in alcuni punti del timbro. 
Per creare i creare i cuori sullo sfondo ho usato uno stencil, che ho realizzato con la silhouette cameo su un foglio in acetato. 
Ho usato il distress oxide tumbled grass. 

Il timbro è stato colorato con i Copic


Capelli: r59-r22-e00

Vestito: e71-e000

Scritta: r59-r37-r27-r22



  1. Hi Maria, love love love this card. xx

  2. Wow, so much detail and great coloring on your card. Very pretty! Thank you for joining in our challenge at Double Trouble.

  3. Love the frames you used for your design papers and adorable image... love the sparkle and you always come through with embellishments. Thanks for sharing with us at Double Trouble and don't forget to share with our partner Heart2Heart as you have met their challenge (they have waivered a CTMH Product for this partnership with us), please join them too (link is on our challenge blog).

  4. Great use of frames and all the little details. Your card is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing with us at Double Trouble :)

  5. Beautiful frames.
    Thanks for sharing with us at Love To Craft Challenge.
    Hope to see you again next challenge.
    Owner ~ MS Kraft Store
    DT ~ Scrapping4funChallenges
    DT ~ Through The Craft Room Door
    DT ~ Make the Cards Challenge
    DT ~ Love To Scrap Challenge
    DT ~ Love To Craft Challenge
    DT ~ Mix It Up Challenge Blog

  6. Awe this is so adorable! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Dies R Us challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

    Please stop in for a visit!

  7. So adorable! Thank you for joining our Digi Doodle Studios challenge. Good luck and hope to see you again!
    Merja DT

  8. Beautiful card. Love all the details on it and cutie Tilda, of course!
    Thanks for playing along with us at our present challenge at The Crafting Challenge and good luck.

    Crafty greetings

    *Owner* Creative Crafting Uncles
    *DT + Admin* Do-Al(l) Kreatives
    *DT* Kreativ-Tanten Challenge
    *GDT* The Crafting Challenge
    Alex' Kreative Seite

  9. What a beautiful creation Maria.
    Nice that you are participating in our challenge.
    Big Hug Bianca XX
    Simply Magnolia

  10. A super card, lots of lovely layers.
    Thank you for joining in with the Crafts Galore Encore February Challenge “Anything Goes”. Good luck x

  11. Such a beautiful Card. Love the colouring of the sentiment 'I love you'.Thank you for joining us at DDS - Hope to see you again x

  12. Hi Maria
    A lovely sweet card.
    Thank you for joining it MAWTT.
    Best wishes.

  13. Such a lovely Card, Maria. Cutie Tilda and beautiful flowers. Thank you for your lovely entry at Love To Scrap! Challenge Blog! Hope to see you again soon!! HUGS!
    Ann DT


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