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Per questo progetto ho utilizzato Little Painter colorata gli Ohuhu
Prodotti usati per la realizzazione della card:
Carta: Echo Park Hello Easter
Inchiostri: Distress Oxide
Sentiment: sentiment
Dies: Studio Light, marinne design.
Colouring: OhuhuOnolulu
Decorations : penna gel glitter azzurra e fuxia
Lista colori usati per la colorazione del timbro:
partecipo a queste sfide:
https://creativeinspirationchallenges.blogspot.com/2025/03/creative-inspiration-challenges-24.html 20g
So cute and beautifully colored! Thanks so much for sharing at my Crafty Wednesday challenge!
RispondiEliminaMaria... I love your sweet boy! The background DSP is perfect for your image. Such a wonderful Easter card. Thanks for sharing this week with The Paper Players!
RispondiEliminaVery cute! Thanks for joining us at Pattie's Creations.