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Card Baking Love Cupcake Girl "Dt Lemon Shortbread Challenge"

Buongiorno oggi inizia un nuovo Challenge  
Il tema del Challenge è Anything Goes 
Lo sponsor è Lemon Shortbread che si trova sullo Shop Esty.

Per questo Challenge ho utilizzato Baking Love Cupcake Girl.La carta che ho utilizzato e della Simple Stories Kissing Booth. I sentiment sono di Mama Elephant timbrati sul cartoncino rosso.Sui cuori ho applicato acqua scintillante di Tommy Art.
Il digital stamp è stato colorato con i Copic:
Cup cake:R59-E00-E33-BV31-E40


  1. This is another very pretty and very well crafted project! I love that there is a lot to keep the eye busy but none of it is distracting. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Shopping Our Stash!
    Chana, DT

  2. Fabulous card Thank you for joining us at Crafty Cardmakers.
    Hugs Julie xxx

  3. Loveeeeee this! Thanks for playing along with Die Cuttin' Divas!!!

  4. Adorable:) Good luck on your entry!! Thank you for entering in CuteNCrafty Challenge Blog
    Check out these links for more challenges and fun
    CuteNCrafty Mommy,
    Facebook Page,

  5. Lovely card! I really love the bold background paper with the softly coloured image ;o) Thank you for joining our current challenge at PINspirational Challenges! Have a lovely Sunday and happy crafting! Maike ;o)

  6. What a sweet valentine. Love the bow with the heart in the middle. Thanks for joining the PINspirational Challenge.

  7. Love the retro look.

    Thank you so much for entering our ATG challenge at Through The Craft Room Door this week. Looking forward to seeing you again next challenge.

    Rijacki's Workshop
    Through The Craft Room Door

  8. Super cute. Thank you for sharing with us at Cute 'n' Crafty challenge. Marlene DT

  9. So pretty, love these beautiful colours too.. Thanks for sharing your lovely creation with us at Crafty Cardmakers.
    Dr Monika Shukla
    DT - CCM

  10. Beautiful! Thanks so much for participating in the Not Just Cards Challenge this time and good luck :)


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