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Card Katie and Friend "Dt Le Ann's World 101 Challenge"

Buongiorno oggi parte un nuovo Challenge 
per il Blog Le Ann's World 101 Challenge
Il tema del Challenge e Anythin Goes
lo sponsor è lo shop Le Ann's world 101

Per questo progetto ho utilizzato Katie and Friend colorata con i copic, La carta usata per fare la card e della Prima Marketing lady Bird . Per la decorazione con i fiori ho usato il set di timbro e fustella Heartfelt Sunrise Lily questo set è veramente stupendo lo consiglio per chi ama i fiori. Sui fiori ho applicato con un pennello l'acqua scintillate di tommyart, per la sfumature sul sentiment ho usato il distress oxide squeesed lemonade
Qui ho scritto la lista dei copic che ho usato per colorare il disegno



  1. Hello Maria. Your card is beautiful but I am afraid it doesn't qualify for CD Sunday as you haven't used a craft CD in the making as per our rules.
    CD Sunday DT

  2. This is such a beautiful card! I love the bold floral embellishment! Thanks so much for sharing with us at 613 Avenue Create.
    Chana, Owner
    613 Avenue Create Challenge Blog

  3. Beautiful card Maria love the fabulous flowers.
    Carol x
    Thank you for joining us at 613 Avenue Create
    Carol DT x

  4. What a beautiful image, your colouring is wonderful and your flowers are adorable I love flowers (i may have to get this set !) Thank you for joining us at 613 Avenue Create Challenge Blog.Good luck !

  5. Maria, this is so lovely, love the l little girl and her Teddy, beautiful coloured. Thanks for joining in on the Anything goes Challenge at the Happy Craft Challenge Community

  6. Simply beautiful card Maria, lovely LeAnn's image and those flowers are gorgeous!!
    Thanks for sharing your creation with us at 613 Ave Create...Good Luck!
    DT Shell

  7. How very pretty and all those flowers are just lovely, thanks so much for joining us at Allsorts 'Seasons' theme this week.
    B x

  8. Hi again, came back to thank you for linking up to our 'Rainbow' theme at Stamping Sensations challenge, but see you have no actually listed us in our post, please add us so you are eligible for the prize draw.

    B x

    B x

  9. Gorgeous card, thanks for joining us at Allsorts. Xxx

  10. This is beautiful. The whole design really lifts the spirits. Those bold flowers are gorgeous.
    So glad you joined us at 613 Avenue Create.
    Hugs Sheryl xx

  11. Thank you for joining us at Allsorts challenge with your supercute creation!

  12. Beautiful card. Thanks for playing our challenge at CCC Digi Creations. Good luck!
    Anneke DT

  13. Maria this card is just lovely and I adore those big flowers. Thanks for sharing at LPCF today

  14. Sweet, sweet card! What a stunner! So glad you have shared this with us at 613 Avenue Create. Please come back again! The best of luck with your entry. Jackie, DT member at 613 xx

  15. Gorgeous card Maria! Love the flowers. Thank you for sharing with us over here at The Fairy and the Unicorn Challenge and best of luck with your entry. Love to see you join in each month. Thank you.
    Gale DT for

  16. Adorable card! Love the flowers. So glad you shared with us at Paper Nest Dolls. Best of luck with your entry! Pam~DT

  17. What a lovely card Maria, so many beautiful elements. Thank you for joining us at SheepSki Designs challenge and good luck with your entry. Gail xx

  18. Such a Beautiful card .
    Thank you for joining us at Paper Nest Dolls Challenge.
    Good Luck
    Rose DT


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