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Card Christmas Cupcakes "Dragonfly Dreams Challenge "

Buongiorno a tutti  nuova sfida sul blog Dragonfly Dreams Challenge 

Il tema di questa sfida è  use pinks and purples

Ho usato per la mia card Christmas Cupcakes colorata con gli Ohuhu


Prodotti usati per la realizzazione della card:

Digital Stamp: Christmas Cupcakes 

Carta: Kaisercraft Christmas Wishes

Inchiostri: memento nero,

Sentiment: Alinacraft,

Dies: StudioLight,

Colouring: Ohuhu Onolulu, Acquerelli glitter.

 Decorations : mezze perle 

Lista colori usati per la colorazione del timbro:

partecipo a queste sfide: 4g 6g 12g 12g 15g 19g 23g


  1. Che bella Maria, luminosa e allegra, grazie mille per esserti unita a noi alla sfida Allsorts.

    B x

  2. Beautiful cup cake design, makes an usual Christmas card
    Thank you for joining us
    CD Sunday plus DT

  3. Such a colourful start to the New Year. Thank you.
    Carol xx
    CD Sunday Plus DT

  4. Beautiful card, love the fabulous cupcake and colouring.
    Carol x

  5. Love your card all done up in Purples!
    Thank you for joining us at Allsorts!

  6. ooops meant to say welcome to the team .
    Carol x

  7. Your card is gorgeous and your card is perfection! I'm so glad you have entered it into our latest challenge at Let's Craft and Create. Cheryl W, DT

  8. Such a wonderful card, thanks for sharijg it with us at the Girlz Creative Christmas Challenge Blog.
    Ilonka DT

  9. Gorgeous colouring on your beautiful card. Thank you for sharing at Allsorts.

  10. Fabulous card, the image is beautifully coloured. Thank you for joining in the Crafty Calendar Challenge this month.
    Liz xx

  11. A lovely card with great colouring. Thank you for sharing with us. Hoping 2025 will be a wonderfully crafty year for all of us. xx

  12. Beautifully coloured and a really striking card.

    Great to have you on the team at Dragonfly Dreams.

    Helen x

  13. A lovely card - great colours used.
    CD Sunday Plus DT.

  14. A lovely pretty card. I could just eat that cupcake!
    Thanks for sharing your pretty card with us.
    Jo x
    CD Sunday Plus DT


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